Aeodar – Epic Fantasy Realm

Single Track

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Neurospicy (The AuDHD Song)

About Song

Artist: J.V Altharas

Albums: Demonstrous, Vol. 3 (Public Indecency)

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Neurospicy (The AuDHD Song)


They told me I was gifted but I never understood

Cuz my IQ is crazy high but don’t do me much good


The shrinks all say they’re gonna tell me what I got that’s broke

But I missed my last appointment and forgot to have some hope


They told me I was gifted and then said to wait and see

But I think they’re gonna diagnose me with AuDHD


And I don’t need no test results to see

When all the neurospicy memes

Are always pointing right at me


And I might be the poster child for AuDHD

So if you try to give me orders

You might get some O-D-D


I know I look disorganized and my place seems a mess

but that bill that’s late is half way down the third stack from the left


There’s three days worth of dishes neatly stacked beside the sink

And about a week of mail in that box down by the street


I’ve had nineteen hobbies disappear without a trace

But the shelves with my collectibles look like museum space


And don’t you dare attempt to help by cleaning up for me

‘Cuz this disaster’s got a system and it’s called AuDHD


And I don’t need no test results to see

When all the neurospicy memes

Are always pointing right at me


And I might be the poster child for AuDHD

But I’ve got the perfect comeback

For that argument last week


When it comes to romance I guess I’m a little thick

‘Cuz I won’t know you wanna play unless you hit me with a brick


I don’t know what to do with all your normal social cues

‘Cuz I didn’t get the manual to tell me what to do


I hope you know I’m so sorry I always forget to call

But I had to spend a couple hours staring at the wall


And I don’t need no test results to see

When all the neurospicy memes

Are always pointing right at me


And I might be the poster child for AuDHD

But hyperfocus is a superpower

So don’t mess with me


The normies think we’re lazy but we’re just misunderstood

Just ‘cuz their brains let them do things just because they know they should.


I don’t need no test results to see

When all the neurospicy memes

Are always pointing right at me

And I might be the poster child for AuDHD

But I control my hyperfocus

So you’d best not mess with me


What? Huh?

What were you saying?

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